Eduardo Recife

Artist Bio
Eduardo Recife is an artist, illustrator, graphic designer, and typographer from Brazil. He is creator of Misprinted Type, a website featuring his personal works, collages, drawings, and typefaces. Recife’s clients include The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, HBO, and Showtime. He does freelance illustration and design for professional clients, but he sells his personal works to galleries or to individual clients upon request. He has been in the business of design since the mid 1990s.

What I like most about Recife’s work is the edginess of his strange collages but at the same time the complexity of all his work. I am a fan of collage myself and have dabbled in the technique many times, I get the impression that Recife takes this seemingly simple technique to a new level create what Recife so easily does.

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Misprinted Type

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